There are two methods for measuring undercarriage wear, one with traditional instruments and one using an ultrasonic device. In this article we explain how to apply the traditional method.
If measuring reveals that it is time to fit new tracks on your vehicle, watch the tutorial on how to replace an entire track with steel track shoes.
Step 1: Get a measuring kit
The “vital statistics” of an undercarriage can be measured with mechanical tools:
Depth gauges/calipers
Measuring tape, pen and paper
If you do not have these measuring devices, you can order our ITR kit.
Step 2: Make the measurements
Taking the correct measurements is fundamental for assessing the degree of wear on the various parts. You can download our free guide for measuring wear on undercarriage components.
Write down the measurements. They can be recorded here on our sheet. Download it free to keep track of wear on undercarriage components.
Step 3: Check the condition of the undercarriage using our tables
There are tables for establishing the percentage of operating life and easily calculating residual life of components based on the measurements of the wear surfaces. An example wear table is provided below. Be careful: there are specific tables for each component measured!
After measuring the components, establish what stage they have reached in their operating lives according to the figures in tables like the one shown above. If you do not have tables, contact an ITR expert using the contact form below.
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